MySQL 8 reset root password

I had to reset my root password on MySQL 8 on a CentOS7 installation. None of the methods I found were working. The solution was to use the special --init-file option. The method
All about webservers and coding
I had to reset my root password on MySQL 8 on a CentOS7 installation. None of the methods I found were working. The solution was to use the special --init-file option. The method
I setup an Ubuntu 18.04 cloud server on upcloud to run a website. This was mainly Wordpress but with a lot of custom table statistics. I needed to import some exported files
I have been running webservers in the past 20 years. Started out with Macintosh WebStar (no one remembers that...) and soon started to run Apache on RedHat and CentOS. For years I was